Falling hearts to my pitcure
Falling hearts to my pitcure

I would put complete trust and faith in yourselves and in that ‘knowing’. It seems to me that you and your wife know in your heart’s that this is your brother. Just looking at the picture, I would have to agree that your brother was there with you and giving you the sign you asked for. What’s important is that the connection between the brothers survives.~Susan I don’t think it’s really important whether this is a spirit or just a happy accident of lighting. Does anybody else have any comments on this photo? I don't know what to think, but we both feel like this is my brother Mike. I never seen anything like this before.The same day I said to my wife "Mike, if you can hear me, if you hear with us, please let me know." Then that night she took this picture.I would really like to know what other people think about this. I have never seen anything like this in any pictures of orbs before. I'm feeling like this is my brother Mike. Hi, my wife took this photo 02/02/13 of me and our dog one day before my brother's birthday his birthday is 02/03/13. Jeffery feels this orb is his brother's spirit. This photo was taken one day before the birthday of his brother who had passed on seven years earlier. I am very blessed to have such loving light beings visiting me and letting me know that they are present. The light beings that are in my house let me know that I am never alone and that while I deeply miss my family members and my wonderful companion animals they are only a thought away. To always remember that life goes on after the physical form ceases to exist. My feelings about the orbs are that they enjoy being in my home and that while the physical forms are no longer exist, the energy of these wonderful beings is still and always will be present in my life. Also, the orbs are quite different than the round orbs that most people see. I believe that the orbs are all of those wonderful spirits that blessed me when they were in physical form. When Richard's spirit is present I smell coffee, Richard owned a coffee shop, and when my Mother visits I smell roses, as I used to send my mother a dozen roses a month. Also, my beloved brother, Richard, and my Mother's spirits visit me. I do perform animal rescue and I have had many older and sickly animals that I cared for until they crossed over into spirit. Once I uploaded the photographs so that I could send them I noticed that I have orbs in every room of my house. I was taking photographs of the interior of my house so that my long-distance friend could see what my living room looked like. The letter wasn't the bad news I'd expected. as I ran my thumb along it I was very surprised to see a small violet 'flame' follow my thumb until I opened the letter. I was opening an envelope and I was expecting it to be bad news. I have seen the ultraviolet color before, only once. I think orbs are probably energy but I can't say more than that, but I do know that every time I take one I feel it is something special. In daylight they are always a white misty color and always around flower plants, some look as if they are in motion with a little speed tail. Up close the near orb has the most amazing colors inside. I've taken many many orb photos over the years both with digital and my old OM10. There would only have been seconds between each shot but none of the others showed anything. I took five to six photos at the same time but only this one had the orbs in it. I took this photo late at night in my garden. He says the angels are "quanta light emissions formed directly from the Source." Pearce explains that the archangels have always shown themselves to him as orbs. Stewart Pearce, the creator of the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Deck, chose to have the angels depicted as orbs on the cards. There are other people who see spirit orbs around them without the use of cameras. But other people are open to the possibility that these orbs are actually light-beings (ghosts, angels, or spirit guides).īarb Huyser, paranormal investigator and author of "Small Town Ghosts," has gone on many ghost-hunting expeditions with camera in hand attempting to capture ghost orbs on film. A skeptic will say these orbs are merely light reflections from the flash of your camera or from lamps or other lighting in the room bouncing off airborne dust particles.

falling hearts to my pitcure

Skeptics and believers have different theories on what these may be.

falling hearts to my pitcure

Mysterious balls of light, called orbs, will occasionally show up in digital photographs.

Falling hearts to my pitcure